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CEO스코어, 국내 500대 기업 2022∼2023년 실적 조사

수출을 주도해 온 IT전기전자 업종의 영업익 89.0% 급감

'반도체 한파' 직격탄 맞은 삼성전자 영업익 감소 가장 커

현대차·기아 영업익, 54.0%↑ 삼성전자의 4배 웃돌아


[시사의창=정용일 기자] 국내외 여러 악재들 중에서도 특히 반도체 한파는 대한민국에 치명적이었다. 그 여파는 수치로도 고스란히 드러났다. 지난해 국내 500대 기업의 영업이익이 전년 대비 26%가량 줄어든 것으로 집계됐다. 삼성전자[005930]와 SK하이닉스[000660] 등 IT전기전자 대표 기업의 영업이익 감소 폭이 90%에 달하면서 전체적인 영업이익 하락세를 주도했다.


27일 기업데이터연구소 CEO스코어에 따르면 국내 매출 상위 500대 기업 중 지난 25일까지 사업보고서와 감사보고서를 제출한 264곳을 대상으로 지난해 연간 실적을 조사한 결과, 이들 기업의 전체 매출액은 2천506조164억원으로 집계됐다. 이는 2022년(2천543조6천15억원) 대비 1.5% 감소한 수치다.

영업이익은 감소 폭이 더 컸다. 지난해 조사 대상 기업의 영업이익은 104조7천81억원으로, 전년(141조2천24억원)에 비해 25.8% 쪼그라들었다. 업종별로 보면 전체 18개 업종 중 13개 업종에서 영업이익이 감소했다. 특히 수출을 주도해 온 IT전기전자 업종의 실적 하락이 두드러졌다. -이하 생략-



Due to the sluggish performance recovery, the operating profit of large corporations last year fell by 26%... "The semiconductor industry cried, the automobile industry smiled."

CEO Score, 2022-2023 performance survey of Korea's top 500 companies. Operating

profit of the IT electrical and electronics industry, which has led exports, plummeted by 89.0%.

Samsung Electronics, hit directly by the 'semiconductor cold wave,' had the largest decline in operating profit. Hyundai Motor Company and Kia's operating profit dropped by

54.0%. Samsung Electronics' operating profit decreased by 54.0%. 4 times more


[Current Affairs Window = Reporter Jeong Yong-il] Among various negative factors at home and abroad, the semiconductor cold wave was especially fatal to Korea. The aftermath was clearly revealed in numbers. Last year, the operating profit of Korea's top 500 companies was calculated to have decreased by about 26% compared to the previous year. The decline in operating profit of leading IT electrical and electronic companies such as Samsung Electronics [005930] and SK Hynix [000660] reached 90%, leading the overall decline in operating profit.


According to the Corporate Data Research Institute's CEO Score on the 27th, last year's annual performance was surveyed for 264 of the top 500 companies in domestic sales that submitted business reports and audit reports by the 25th, and the total sales of these companies was 2,506 trillion won. It was calculated at 16.4 billion won. This is a 1.5% decrease compared to 2022 (KRW 2543.615 trillion).

The decline in operating profit was larger. Last year, the operating profit of the companies surveyed was 104.781 trillion won, a 25.8% decrease compared to the previous year (141.224 trillion won). By industry, operating profit decreased in 13 out of 18 industries. In particular, the performance decline in the IT electrical and electronics industry, which has led exports, was noticeable.

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